Longsight community gain confidence and skills in Beginners Baking Course
We were approached in August 2018 by Janet Moses (read her story below) who owns a cake baking company in Longsight; she wanted to offer her time to do a beginners baking course at the Community Centre. We thought this was a great idea because we had previously had requests from the local community to put on a baking course so we knew it would be well received.
Janet put together a comprehensive lesson plan and then our Community Centre Manager applied for some funding for the equipment, ingredients, room hire and for Janet’s time. In March 2019 we heard back from ‘The Big Lottery, Awards for all’ fund that we had secured the funding and could get started with the baking sessions!
The residents that signed up to the Beginners Baking needed to complete a Food Hygiene Level 1 course with us so to ensure we met food safety standards. They were able to do this FREE through the Next Step project we run at the Community Centre.

The course started on 14th May and ran every week till 9th July. Five residents completed all 8 beginners baking lessons as taught by Janet. The students baked everything from Blueberry muffins, to fruit crumble to scones! All the students had such fun and really increased their skills and confidence and started a new hobby.
“I learnt a lot and enjoyed it a great deal! I gain a lot of confidence in cake baking” Julie
“I loved it, our teacher was just amazing” Zainub
We are running this course a second time in September 2019!