PQASSO Level 1 Quality Standard Achievement

After many months and years hard work, NCA was very proud to receive the PQASSO level 1 quality mark in July 2017.

What is PQASSO?
PQASSO (Practical Quality Assurance System for Small Organisations) is a quality assurance system designed to help small charities run their organisations more effectively and efficiently. It sets out what organisations need to have in place to ensure sound governance practices, financial and risk management procedures, and a robust system for measuring outcomes.
What does this mean for Northmoor Community Association?
By achieving the PQSSO level 1 mark we have successfully demonstrated qualities such as:

  • sound governance, leadership and management
  • well planned, user-centred services which are monitored well
  • robust financial procedures
  • working well within our team, as well as with other organisations
  • focusing on learning and development

The PQASSO Assessor said: “I was particularly impressed in the way NCA have involved users at all stages and the commitment of the Board in their trustee roles and as volunteers”
PQASSO is about continuous improvement and the quality cycle does not stop with achievement of the PQASSO Quality Mark Level 1. We will actively continue to self-assess against the PQASSO indicators for the three years that the award is valid to ensure that there are no major gaps and that good practice is maintained.

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